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  • josephseager 9:50 am on March 9, 2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: 30 secodns to mars, actor, character, contribution, director, fight club, film, frontman, jared leto, movies, , , puzzle, rock band, , writer   

    Jared Leto news 

    Jared Leto thinks being a film star is more interesting than making music.

    The ‘Fight Club’ actor – who also fronts rock band 30 Seconds to Mars – enjoys both aspects of his professional life but finds movie-making more ‘rewarding’. He said: ‘Making a film is really the most interesting part for me. I love the research. I love the building of a character. I also don’t need to make five movies a year – I’m not after being the person who makes the most films. I want to have a rewarding, challenging experience, so I tend to do more art house type films, not big blockbuster movies. It’s interesting to be able to be a smaller piece of a bigger puzzle.’

    While Jared prefers the challenge of the film industry, the 38-year-old hunk also enjoys the responsibility he has producing music, writing songs and coming up with ideas for the band – also consisting of Tomo Milicevic and Shannon Leto. He explained: ‘With music you’re much more responsible for everything. As the songwriter, as a person who’s behind some of the creative ideas, you are the director, writer, editor, producer and the actor, so you have a much bigger contribution.’

  • josephseager 9:35 am on February 19, 2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: film, , , , public eye,   

    Big Screen Robbie? 

    Robbie Williams is apparently talking to hollywood bigwigs about making a film of his life.

    Coming into the public eye from the age of 16 with boy band Take That, he’s been well in the spotlight for 2 decades.

    With a career so full of highs and lows, any suggestions as to what the film could be called? This truely will be his ‘life thru a lens’.

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